Wednesday, May 30, 2007

10 Random Things About Me...

  1. I have a not-so-closeted obsession with Michael Bolton and many late-80s & early 90s glam-rockers (Bret Michaels, Sebastian Bach, Mike Tramp, etc).
  2. I was Alice in Christmasland in the 2nd grade, which confirmed my then-suspicion that I was the most important person in my entire elementary school.
  3. I'm one of the laziest people you will ever meet. Seriously. I will die of thirst rather than walk 5 feet to get a drink. Or even lean across the couch to reach it for that matter.
  4. I skipped kindergarten when I was 5 and started 1st grade. Further evidence that I was the coolest person at Chesterfield Elementary.
  5. I grew up in a rural town that I hated. I dreamed of living somewhere with sidewalks and a Dairy Queen I could walk to. All my life's ambitions realized in my 20s. How divine.
  6. I started smoking my senior year in high school and smoked a pack a day for 10 years. I still miss it almost every day.
  7. My first real job was working in the donut hut at Stony Creek Orchard. I scooped lard all day. I didn't eat cake donuts for 10 years after that.
  8. Prior to the donut gig, I was known by my family as the Pucky Queen because I scooped poop at a horse farm down the street (I told you it was rural).
  9. I lost 85 lbs 4 years ago on the Beaumont Diet. I gained 20 back AFTER giving birth - riddle me that :(
  10. My sister & I were obsessed with the musical Annie. We used to put the record on and do performances on our front porch. I also had several of her costumes - the party dress, karate suit, etc - and wore them regularly to school and family events.


daedra said...

If you're so darn lazy how'd you train for AND run a marathon?!?!

Sarah said...

How? Bitching and moaning the entire time. Ask Nate - he'll confirm.

Sarah said...

FYI, I'm tagging you to do this. Primarily because everyone else has already done it.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

daedra, you totally don't know my sister. at every point that we met up she'd bitch and complain and demand more goo.

daedra said...

I know her, I just haven't EXPERIENCED her in this form.

Sarah said...

Don't worry, it's hard to miss. Wait until we canoe next month - I guarantee you'll see it in action :)