Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Yes I am...

Christmas Eve - Yikes!!!


daedra said...

What a shocker! ;)

R said...

you finally posted it. yeah for you!

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

eww. we are looking at your pee.

daedra said...

I want to know if this is a photo of your actual test or a stock photo. I know someone who takes a photo of her positive pregnancy tests and puts them in the baby's scrapbook. Please GOD tell me this is not you too!!!

Jos said...

yay!!! congratulations!!! so is christmas eve your due date?

Sarah said...

Yes, that is my actual stick and yes, that is my actual pee. I didn't save them for my scrapbook though - a little too gross.

Meg - I thought you kept yours forever didn't you? And you even have the cord stump...geez, I'm surprised you didn't save your placenta too.

Jeremy said...

Congrats to the both of you!

Well, congrats to you at least, all Nate did was go, "uughhohmygodohhh".

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

nice jeremy. i believe that's exactly how you congratulated adam as well. funny, funny man.

and as far as my sticks & stumps go- i was hanging on to the sticks because i was crazy but then when ky's cord fell off, i didn't know how to properly dispose of it. i didn't think i should throw it in the trash, and it didn't occur to me to flush it, so i put it in her dresser (don't ask)

after more than a year, i was told to flush it, so i did. and tegan's disappeared in the middle of the night never to be seen again.

i don't know why i kept the sticks. because i am crazy, and they are still in my bra box where i had them until i showed adam. i should probably ditch those too.

Sarah said...

We never did find Josh's stump - it's probably in the house somewhere. We took his diaper off one day and it was just gone.

Jeremy said...

I think the cat got ours.

How gross is that?

daedra said...

EEEW gross, I bet your kids swallowed their stumps! :) Kinda like kids who lose teeth in the middle of the night and swallow them.

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

poor moki. swallowed a stump.


i'm pretty sure that tegan's is under our bed, and since i'm working on our room right now, it'll probably turn up.

hey man, it's only four months old.

Nicol said...

woo! hoo! I am so happy for you guys. Congratulations! :) Paul will be so excited as well. We should get together soon...

meagan, you should have a party! :)

R said...

here here. you should have a partay.
did you ever see that sex and the city show where miranda found the baby's stump, put it aside, and the cat jumped up and took it? i STILL laugh my butt off at that.
i hate to admit, but i put my many many sticks (i took it, retook it, and took it again just to reaffirm i was still preggo) did not know what to do with them, so i put them in a sandwich bag and put thim in the fridge, and forgot about it. i found them at 30 or so weeks and went "gross", gagged, and threw them out.

daedra said...

gross, SO GROSS!! Maybe I'm not sentiMENTAL but saving a stick you peed on is just plain nasty.

Nicol said...

Okay, I guess that I can admit it now, I still have my two (2) sticks that I peed on. Like Meagan and Rachelle, I don't know why I kept them. I guess with the first one, I had to keep going back into the bathroom to make sure that it still said positive, it did! Then I had to save it so that Paul could see it when he got home. The second one the next morning, just confirmed what I had found out the night before, but I still kept it!

Glad to know that I am not the only weirdo! At least I did not put mine in the frige! HA HA!