Monday, June 4, 2007

Leaving a paper trail...

One of the casualties of potty-training, I've discovered, is that we've gone through a truly excessive amount of toilet paper. Like almost a roll a day. My sister, who already went through this, suggested that we try Cottonelle for Kids, which has worked well for them. The basic premise is that kids follow the paw prints for 4 sheets to the puppy - then they tear it off. It's supposed to help them understand how much to use.
So did that work for us? Oh no. Quite the opposite, in fact. I walked into the bathroom last night to find an entire roll unraveled on the floor. Josh said, "Look mama - I found all the puppies!"

Thanks for the tip, Vanover.


Nicol said...

I was at Meagan' on Friday, and I felt bad when I had to go past the puppy, for what I felt was the proper amount. :)

Sorry that this is not working for you.

How are you?

Sarah said...

I'm fine - how are you? Almost commented on your blog today. I'm so glad you're posting again - I've totally enjoyed it!

Nicol said...

I was thinking about you yesterday. We were doing some yard work in the rain...

....btw I STILL have and WEAR your payless shoes that i took from you that one fine day!

daedra said...

how many times a day does your kid poo? I don't go through that much tp to start worrying about it!

R said...

too cute. i love that he found all the puppies!

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

you have shoes from my sister? ewww! stinky!

daedra, do your feet stink, too?

haha. off to bed.........

Sarah said...

You took my shoes? I don't remember that at all!

Daedra - 2 times. But he seems to think he needs to wipe everytime he pees.

Nicol said...

oh my goodness...

Yes, Sarah I have your shoes. I KNOW that you said that I could have them... geez now I am second gussing myself... Paul and I forgot to bring a change of clothes we were COVERED in mud. You gave me a pair of black payless tennis shoes with beige stripes down the sides. I wore them to go get out Mexican take out. I remember you saying something along the line of "oh, they are cheap and from payless, so go ahead and take them" If I am wrong, like I said I still have them, so I can give them back to you! :)

Sarah said...

Nicol - I could care less about the shoes! I don't even remember them! That was a crazy day - I ruined 2 pairs of shoes out in the rain! Thank goodness I buy cheap shoes - can you imagine if I was Meagan - I would have been out there in ballet flats or something :)

Sarah said...

Sorry - I didn't mean "took" like you stole them or something - I just read my old comment and it sounded snotty. I just didn't remember that. Again - crazy day!!!

Nicol said...

no biggie, I just thought that it was funny! And, I would not have really given them back. :)I still wear them, and I like them. For cheap Payless shoes they have lasted a long time!

daedra said...

no, my feet aren't smelly like sarah's. I got over smelly feet after I stopped wearing shoes without socks

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

FYI- ballet flats were not in style when we worked on your yard.

platform espadrilles, perhaps...