Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Great American Meatout

VegMichigan is sponsoring a local Great American Meatout, a one-day "go meatless" event that takes place across the country. In addition to free food samples (yum) there will be seminars and cooking demonstrations.

The Michigan event takes place on Sunday, March 18th @ Ferndale High School.

See the website for more info...I think it should be interesting. So grow out your armpit hair, strap on your Birkenstocks, put your Greenpeace bumper sticker on the back of your electric vehicle, and meet me in Fabulous Ferndale next month.


daedra said...

We'll probably be the only two people there! Oh wait, scratch that it's in Ferndale....

Jeremy said...

Hmmm, I think I am going to formerly protest this event by grilling up steaks in the parking lot.

You know what they say about animals: "Fun to pet, better to chew."

R said...

ewww jeremy.
sounds fun, i might attend if i'm not giving birth.....