I'm going to summarize a conversation Josh & I had last week...we were talking about babies, and he told me he's going to have 7 babies one day - 3 boys and 4 girls. I asked him who was going to be his wife, and then had to explain to him why he can't marry his grandmas or cousin.
Josh: Well, Evelyn has a bunch of baby stuff so she must want a lot of kids. I'll marry her.
Me: That's good. Do you think she wants to have 7 kids?
Josh: Yes, she does. And do you know what we'll name them?
Me: What?
Josh: My boys are Peter, John, and Michael.
Me: Cool - like Peter Pan?
Josh: Yes. And my girls are Wendy, Sadie, Charlotte, and Meagan. And mom [looking around], we're going to need a bigger car.
Me: Well Josh, when you're grown up and married, you'll buy your own car.
Josh: Actually, I'm just going to borrow a car next time daddy goes on a trip.
Me: And you'll drive all your kids around?
Josh: No, my wife will have to do it because I need to work. That's why you have a wife - to watch all your kids.
So there, from a 3 year old's perspective, is most of my adult life simplified - I'm the babysitter.