Monday, August 25, 2008

And all is quiet on the (mid)western frontier...

We've had an interesting couple of days. I started having contractions Friday - they never materialized into much of anything, never got closer than 8 mins apart, and stopped overnight. Yesterday, I woke up with contractions 4 minutes apart, that within an hour were 3 minutes apart, and stayed strong and consistent most of the day. They got to be around 90 seconds long, and I thought we were headed somewhere.

Alas, no. Slowed down again, and here we are. 10 days from my due date, and I've no idea what to expect. Things were radically different with Josh because my water broke and I was subsequently induced - there's no stopping Pitocin contractions, and so he was born 4-1/2 hours after the IV went in. Last year's induction was with Cytotec - even more intense than the Pit, and nothing remotely natural about it.

I feel sort of like a first-timer, despite having already given birth twice. I don't know what my body does naturally. I had hoped I would be more of a Speedster-type laborer. I have to admit, I sort of envy my friend Megan's super-powered 5-hour intense rocket ride with Ava.

I'm starting to suspect, however, that I might just be a Putterer. So, I'm settling in for a long-ish, unpredictable interesting adventure for a super-planner.


Nicol said...

I hope that things speed up for you!

With Josie, I went to the hospital for some bleeding, realized I was having contractions. (my mom and dad were in cali.) The doctor sent me home saying that there was a chance that I would be back at the hospital that night. (my parents flew home) ... no baby for two more weeks. ;-(

Brittan said...

I was wondering what was going on! Glad to hear things are fine, but quiet.

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Right there with ya babe, though without the contractions. I have had 5 inductions so far, so I only have a teensy hope of going into labour on my own. but I am praying and hoping. I will be sending many delivery vibes your way...

Karen R. said...

We hope that now that you've had this ("practice") run with her, things will go speedy and smoothly when she does decide to arrive! Already a little tease, perhaps? ;-) And I concur - I'd like to order a quick arrival like Ava as well!

Aunt Becky said...

Oh how I HATE the practice rounds. Man, I hate that feeling. The end of pregnancy is equally as annoying as the beginning.

I am on pins and needles here!

Unknown said...

Dear Ross Fam-
got wind you're in "process" and your baby isn't breeched!! Can't wait to hear all about your new little girl. :-) !!


k@lakly said...

I did the induction thing with my #2 and surprise, it didn't work. Two weeks later out she came, on her own terms, in her own time and she hasn't stopped bossing us around ever since...
Keeping everything crossed for a safe delivery right into your arms.

B said...

Thanks for the update. The false alarms are just the best, aren't they? Ha. I look forward to hearing about Baby Girl's arrival. Macey is so excited to have a new friend.