Friday, August 1, 2008


Okay this is probably a little tacky but hey, we're all friends here, right? So I'm wondering if any of you have spare Michael's coupons - I'd like to get 5-6 of their 40% off coupons (which are in the paper almost every week) so I can buy some baskets for the baby's closet...let me know :)


daedra said...

Sorry, I'm using mine (which I get from my mom) to buy your canvases :)
If I get more in the coming weeks I'll give you them.
Also, they now take competitors 40%off coupons, like Joann's. DO you get the Joann flier in the mail? If not just sign up for their mailing list and you'll get them.

Brittan said...

I'll see if I have any lying around!

Alice said...

Sorry I live in Belgim and I don't even know what Michael's coupons are. Although if I had any I'd give them to you. Just wanted to say good luck and I hope everything goes well.


R said...

you know that you can also use joanns at michaels? they take competitors coupons too!