Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Life goes on...

So nothing to report here. Contractions pretty much stopped. I don't know what that was - I'm defying all my childbirth books. Braxton-Hicks shouldn't do what these contractions did, and yet they stopped, baby stayed in, and life is somewhat back to normal.

I'll keep you posted :)


Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Man! Come on babies, time to vacate the premises!

daedra said...

I talked to my mw today to ask her about this situation. She said it happens a lot and most books don't talk about it. She said if your contractions are longer than 90 seconds you're not in real labor yet. She also said third babies don't tend to be like any other birth before. Probably just a false alarm, but thankfully you were smart enough not to go to the hospital right away or you'd for sure have some more of that pit crap.

Aunt Becky said...

Waiting is the pits. I'm sending some "come on OUT baby" vibes to you.

k@lakly said...

Life back to normal??? What the heck is that?!
Come on baby, out you come already!!!