Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Have you been reading all the new stuff about plastics lately? Last week, Canada banned products made with Bisphenol-A. In a matter of days, Walmart, Babies R Us, and several other retailers said they'd start pulling it off the shelves. Read more here.

If you're looking for an alternative to plastic water bottles, I bought Klean Kanteens a couple of weeks ago and love them. There are now also a LOT of sippy & bottle options - see here.


Aunt Becky said...

Thanks for the links. I'll be checking them out immediately.

Anonymous said...


Kendra Lynn said...

Interesting. I may have to get some Kleen Kanteens myself.
Thanks for the tip.
by the way...I found you from Lolo's site...and we HAVE met. :)


Sarah said...

I remember you Kendra! The Kleen Kanteen bottles are very cool - they have a sippy top, and as your kids get older they're interchangeable with the regular sports and twist tops.

Sarah said...

Oh, AND they can be washed in the dishwasher - I love that!

Kendra Lynn said...

Very cool! I will definitely check them out. Did you have to order them online? Or did you find them in a store someplace?


Brittan said...

this is why we are going to use glass baby just never know!

Sarah said...

See, I'm more afraid of glass baby bottles - I just can see that ending badly. I'm leaning more toward the Adiri Natural Nurser or Born Free. IF this kid takes a bottle at all - Josh never did.