Friday, April 4, 2008

Happy spring!

Well, we managed to survive the plague here. Somehow, just barely...but we're all walking around and breathing out of both nostrils - woohoo. Some lingering funk but generally all is well.

And it's warming up! Could I BE anymore excited (that's my best Chandler Bing voice)? We have been outside this week every day and I'm loving it. I so can't handle being trapped in the house with a 3-year old, especially one that is almost-always wielding a sword and calling me a Bilge Rat.

Spring seems to suddenly turn my mood. Yesterday Josh and I went to the fruit market, bought tons of fresh produce and flowers. I find it to be completely impossible to be crabby when you have tulips. (Don't worry Nate, we didn't spend your life savings on cherries. I did that at Target a few hours beforehand.)

So have a fun weekend - it's supposed to be 60 degrees here on Sunday - hallelujah! Look out playground - we're on our way.


Nicol said...

I totally read it IN the chandler voice... before reading on :-)

We should get together and play my Friends Trivia Game!


Aunt Becky said...


I can't wait for spring to officially be here. It's been a long, long winter, hasn't it?

daedra said...

I hear ya sister. Adam has started the whole pirate thing because of J and I can't stand it. I've been outside as much as humanly possible too.

I read it in the Chandler voice. I also bought that stupid Friends Trivia game and have since given it away. It sucks and was way too hard. For example, one question was about what the apartment number was on the door during one scene in some random building. Come ON! Although, you'd probably know it! :)

Sarah said...

Nicol - would love it. Have to warn you, we're way nerdy with Friends trivia. Bring it on!

Amy said...

They are estimating 60's here this weekend as well... Spring really just needs to hurry up and get here already.

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

oooh, I would totally spend my life savings on cherries and tulips! I know what you mean about not being grumpy with tulips around, they are my fave flower!

Nicol said...

Sarah, We are gonna have to pick a date! Paul said PAH-LEEZ...
