Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Barenaked Ladies @ Borders!

***UPDATED: I called Borders today and they will be giving out wristbands to get in. They don't have any details yet - either the wristbands will be released the morning of the performance, or the day before. I will keep you posted.***

The Barenaked Ladies are coming to our Borders on May 9th to perform songs from their new kids album. I am way pumped about this - my former and current life are colliding in a concert we'll both enjoy.

Multi-platinum recording artist Barenaked Ladies will release Snacktime, a collection of 24 original children's songs. The collective band is outnumbered 2 to 1 by their own children. As a result, they set out to make a record that all children could enjoy. Using their children's eclectic tastes as inspiration, the result was a record that is being described as liberating and fun. Don't miss this rare chance to see them perform live at Borders with a chance to meet them after their set.


Mindy said...

I'm so insanely jealous. Make them come here too!

Anonymous said...

We plan to go. Meet you up there. I bet it will be a zoo.

Anonymous said...

The above was my comment. Sorry for the "anonymous" title. I messed up.

Amy said...

I'm jealous too... I love them!

Sarah said...

Mindy - they'll be in Oak Brook on May 10...a little closer to you :)

Check the http://www.bordersstores.com/events/events.jsp?view=3 page to see if they're coming anywhere else - I'm sure they will.

Unknown said...

I'll be there!

daedra said...

If you want me to stand in line with you at 4 in the morning let me know. I'm sure it will come down to that. If they did it for RR I'm sure they'll do it for BNL!

moplans said...

I have the original yellow tape.
Once I saw Ed in the local bike store and was smiling at him thinking I knew him. Which I did, he just didn't know me.

Alice said...

Just found your blog. I'm so sorry about your daughter. I lost a daughter as well. I hope so much it works out for you this time.

With love,
