Thursday, September 4, 2008

Welcome, no, not really.

So...NO change from my appointment last week. Seriously - NO change. Not the most encouraging appointment ever. Due today, feel less like something's going to happen than I did a week ago. This girl is all snuggled up and not going anywhere anytime soon.

So what does that mean? Probably an induction next week. Unless she changes her mind and comes out on her own, that will be the next step. Oh joy - Pitocin here we come!


Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Sorry babe, we can wait together I guess...
Can I admit that I will be so jealous if you go before me!

Aunt Becky said...

Waiting sucks ass. Come ON baby!

k@lakly said...

To quote the ever poetic Tom Pett.y, the waiting is the hardest part....
Well, nor really, but it sure feels like it!

Kendra Lynn said...

I LOVED being induced! Shoot! What woman wouldn't love having her baby just fly out of her???
Good luck...hoping all goes well and SOON!


Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

think of pitocin as a good supportive friend who makes the waiting & wondering period a bit shorter.