Saturday, September 6, 2008

Large and in charge...

Seriously - could it get any bigger?

This is the difference between an early baby and a late one - half a pound a week. Josh was 7 lbs 7 oz @ 38 weeks. I definitely feel much bigger this time, and while I put pretty much ZERO stock in the ultrasound tech's ability to predict the size even remotely accurately, I'm starting to think the 9 to 9-1/2 lb estimate might not be so far off.

I swear if she doesn't get out soon, I'll split in two!


Nate said...

For the record... that picture doesn't do it justice... I believe the belly has developed a significant gravitational field. If she goes much longer I think it may develop its own satellites

... um... yes, for the record... I watch too many nerd shows...

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

i like how you can see your elephant snout of a naval init.

Lauren said...

Awww...hang in there. Is that annoying to say to an over due pregnant lady? I'm sorry, I remember what this is like, I really do. She'll be here in no time...

Unrelated...I nominated you for some little bloggy award thing. I know you have other things on your mind right now,so no worries. The info is over at our place.

Nate said...

On second glimps, it kind of looks like two VERY lopsided breasts... :)

Nicol said...

You poor thing ! I know you hate pitocin, but I would be drinking it by now! :-)