Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wacky Pirate Wednesday

Today was Wacky Pirate Wednesday @ the Detroit Science Center. The pirate exhibit was way cool - I highly recommend it. Josh was a little freaked out by some overly-enthusiastic adult pirates there...other than that, we had fun.

Pardon the lame camera phone pic - will steal Daedra's as soon as they're online.


Jeremy said...

We went to the pirate exhibit and I must say I was a little disappointed in it. I mean, if I really wanted to look at 100 year old bottles, I'd go to my grandma's house.

Some of those creepy pirate guys were wandering around downtown a couple weeks ago handing out fliers for the museum. They are weird.

daedra said...

the lame picture that I look is in my flickr account now homeslice.

Sarah said...

It helps that we're members so I only paid $4 and Josh was free. I think I'd be disappointed if I paid full-price.

Jeremy said...

I was disappointed with the Science Center in general.

We have the worst science center I've ever been to. It's like 1980 came and all science ended.

They need to seriously update that place.

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

So very cute, glad you had fun.
And look at how close we are getting to baby time! Are you doing alright? Excited? Scared?

Unknown said...

btw, I love, love, love Charlotte! It is number two on my girl's list. But we are having a boy and he shall remain nameless I guess. hopefully not forever...