In the middle of reading books at bedtime, Josh did something completely random and strange. I was literally MID-sentence when Josh jumped up and started dancing around.
First, a few things you need to know.
1) He had just taken a bath and was wearing only a towel while seated, while he dropped when he got up.
2) We were reading the BIBLE. Not just any old light-hearted story. We were reading the story of Noah.
So anyway, on with the story. He's standing up, wearing nothing, and doing a very strange little spinning, gyrating dance. I said "Josh, what in the world are you doing?" He very matter-of-factly replied, "I just needed to do a nakey dance."
Being 3 is just a whole different world than being 32. I can't recall ever feeling (a) so uninhibited and (b) so compelled that I just had to get up IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BIBLE to do a nakey dance.
Oh, and the grand finale? He got out his pretend remote (thank you,
Upside Down Show) and pushed the "Give yourself a spankin' button" and then gave himself several spankings in a row while laughing hysterically.
What did I tell you? Boys are weird. Mine is
especially weird.