Monday, March 10, 2008

Random confession

I don't really like boys. I've always thought they were loud, weird, gross, and wore ugly clothes. I absolutely didn't want to have one. And this was my primary motivation for finding out what I was having in my ultrasound 3 years ago. I wanted time to adjust if I was having a boy and emotionally prepare. After we saw the teeny peeny, I was really glad I did it. And we immediately went out to Janie & Jack to look for cute clothes.

So 3 years later...I LOVE having a boy! There are a lot of ugly clothes. But there are a lot of really cute clothes too. And while all of the other fears are basicaly true, they also love their mamas like crazy, are sweet, and crazy low-maintenance. You've got to appreciate that...

I will admit, Josh is suddenly louder and weirder than he has been. So maybe it's still coming. We watched my 13-year old nephew a few times and it basically scared the crap out of me. But then, that's why we get them as infants, isn't it? We have years and years for them to grow on us, so that by the time they're gross and loud and eat like pigs, we love them so much that we don't mind it.


daedra said...

true that sista

Brittan said...

That's funny! With having a sister in high school and all the drama that goes along with that, I told my mom today I am so glad there are so many years between a baby and a teenager because I am SO not ready for that! haha!