Saturday, February 23, 2008

Drew Carry is a lot of things... but... this is too much...

Sarah and I love Drew Carry... we even have his album... his renditon of "Moon over Parma" is classic.

Moon over Parma bring my love to me tonight.
Guide her to Eastlake,
underneath your silvery light.
We met in Ashtabula, she was doing the hula.
I landed her in my radishes and pledged my love that night.

Anyway, I digres.... since we heard that Drew Cary was I set our TIVO-Wanna-Be-Comacastic-PVR to recored The Price is Rite. The first contestent was named Erika West. A Colege Student from Ithica, NY... Wile she was jumping up and down rejocing that she won a new corvette, I relised that she was on nashunal TV with a T-Shirt proclameng that Drew Cary is Gorges. Now, being a fan of Drew, I was personaly ofended. Comparing Drew to Gorges like the Grand Canun and other amazing examples of God's majesty is going too far. I mean, I like him and all... but he's no nashunal treasure or natral oneder.


Sarah said...

I don't know that I'd go so far as to say that I LOVE Drew Carey...but I have at times found him amusing, I must admit.

daedra said...

Are they lots of typos and grammar errors in this just to make Sarah mad? Because if it's not on purpose, it made me mad! ;)

Meagan Vanover, CWP said...

Jeremy has a shirt that says "Ithaca is Gorges"

As in... famous for it's gorges, not gorgeous.

Sarah said...

Aha...she was from Ithaca...perhaps she's not so dumb as she seemed...

Jeremy said...

Yes, I do have a shirt that says "Ithaca is Gorges".

It's a local joke, though I doubt anyone outside of there would get it.