Saturday, February 3, 2007

Book Club

I'm currently reading Babyproofing Your Marriage with Nate. It's a funny, very honest look at how having a baby turns your life upside down.

I highly recommend it to all new (or recent) parents.


daedra said...

now should I take your recommendation or just laugh at you like you do to me when i recommend a certain movie?!?! j/k

Sarah said...

hey, i also bought a bunch of the books that JoanE recommended in her class (actually got them as gifts). I probably should be offended that Nate bought me a book called The Wounded Woman...

Seriously - they look great. If you want to borrow, let me know...

Lauren said...

Sarah, this is so odd because as we speak, I have a piece of paper next to our phone that says "Babyproofing Your Marriage". I heard about the book last month and have been meaning to buy it since. I'll go get it. You should really have a book club get together or coffee or something.

daedra said...

we should totally have a book club! I think I've secretly always wanted to be in one but was afraid of being in a boring old person's club!

daedra said...

BTW - I don't understand Sarah, did you buy the books yourself for your b-day? cause if so that's pretty sad.

Sarah said...

No - Nate bought a bunch of books off my Amazon wish list for my birthday. Was kind of funny - he saw that I put them on a week before my bday so he thought it was a hint. Was actually JoanE's recommended reading list from the Raising Boys class!