Once upon a time, there lived a woman who was neat, tidy, organized, reliable, relatively punctual, and generally responsible. Then one day, she had a baby. And all that went away.
Sound familiar? I swear, I read about "pregnancy brain" when I was pregnant and wrote it off. But it got worse - then I called it "baby brain" and blamed the same hormones. Now, I'm pregnant again and have uber-hybrid pregnant/baby brain. And it's a bad, bad thing.
Case in point: Monday I ordered a new dress for a wedding reception this Saturday. I paid $7 extra to have it shipped 2nd day, just in case I didn't like it - I thought 3 extra days was pretty safe in terms of finding a Plan B dress.
So did it come yesterday? NO. Well, yes and no. It DID arrive, but not @ my house. I somehow managed to send it to my friend Mindy's 4 year old daughter Natalie. That's apparently the last person I shopped for @ gap.com, and I didn't even look at the shipping address until it was too late. So instead Mindy picked it up last night at her house, and then overnighted it to me today. Bottom line - I will have less than 24 hours to try it on and get a new one if it doesn't work, and I paid a grand total of $42 in shipping for what will amount to 5 day shipping.
Now that's baby brain. By the 3rd or 4th baby I'm going to be a drooling idiot.